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Look Me In My Brand New Eye (12x12" Print)


Behold and direct thine gaze unto mine newly opened eye. For with this eye, fashioned afresh, doth the light of revelation and the vision of truth shine forth. Look upon me with thine own eyes, and thou shalt witness a sight most wondrous, a vision renewed and unclouded. In this new eye, there is clarity and insight, a window unto that which hath been made new and full of promise. Mark well the sight that is revealed, for it is through this eye that the essence of renewal and the marvels of creation are made manifest.

Museum-quality posters made on thick matte paper. The paper thickness is 10.3 mil, and the paper weight is 189 g/m². The opacity is 94%, and the ISO brightness is 104%. The paper is sourced from the land of Japan.

This product is fashioned to order within the United States, and thus may require a longer time for delivery. By crafting items upon demand rather than in great quantities, we doth lessen the scourge of overproduction, and thus make a more considered choice in our purchasing.